do you wanna know something about something? – conversations on Korean-ness : Bonnie Jones and Ryoko Akama : mumei 11 Category : WritingsBUYThis is not book on sound or music score. This is a book that contains four conversations carried out by...
Towards an Aesthetics of the Sine Wave / Sinudoidal Perspectives Category : WritingsI have given an opportunity to make and installation and write about the way we collaborate with sine wave as...
ELIANE RADIGUE : Ensemble Dedalus / Ryoko Akama Category : CDbuy and listen released April 22, 2023 Occam – Hepta I (2018)Enregistré à la Cité de la musique-Philharmonie de Paris...
sisbiosis : Clara de Asís/Ryoko Akama : Erstwhile 094 Category : CDBuy and Listen, released September 5, 2022, Erstwhile 094 1 Destiny 14:032 Visitation 04:503 Stone Is Always There 05:544 Without...
songs for a shed : another timbre 180 Category : CD‘songs for a shed’ on another timbre 180 Released on November 2021 A series of pieces for piano and other...
FIRST ALBUM : a.hop : Superpang 74 Category : OnlineFIRST ALBUM LISTEN AND BUY by a.hop released June 6, 2021 This is the first album by a.hop, a newly-formed...
with objects : performed by Heather Frasch : glistening examples Category : CD, Onlinewith objects by Heather Frasch released May 11, 2021 1. Weaving Broken Threads for digital boxes by Heather Frasch 2017 performed by...
mumei SEVEN : Reticence – the way they are and other works 2017 – 2019 by Ryoko Akama Category : WritingsI am (SO) happy to announce my first solo publication – mumei SEVEN Reticence – the way they are and...
In Another Place : with Anne-F Jacques & Tim Shaw : Takuroku TR055 Category : OnlineIn Another Place : with Anne-F Jacques & Tim Shaw : Takuroku TR055 buy (listen) here Tracklisting 1 heat, heat,...
a song for Y. Z. : amplify2020 165 Category : Onlinea song for Y. Z. (07:27) amplify2020 165 : released July 7, 2020 artist : ryoko akama recorded : 3rd July...
‘domestic waste and objects’ (Anne-F Jacques, 2020): miji concert 66 Category : OnlineRyoko Akama plays Anne-F Jacques - Pieces for domestic waste and objects listen here Sub Jam, Beijing, China is a label and...
Music We’d Like to Hear Podcast 1 : Apartment House + Another Timbre Category : Onlinelisten and support released May 18, 2020 Music We’d Like to Hear has produced this podcast in lieu of our...