‘domestic waste and objects’ (Anne-F Jacques, 2020): miji concert 66
- discography Online
Ryoko Akama plays Anne-F Jacques - Pieces for domestic waste and objects listen here Sub Jam, Beijing, China is a label and organization based in Beijing. Since 2000it had working on underground music, film and literature. Now focus on improvised music and experimental sound practice. miji concert 66 is their online music concert series during the world lock down.
Anne-F Jacques’ score : Pieces for domestic waste and objects
1- Paper (any kind: newspaper, advertisement, printing paper… at least 5 sheets)
2- Pencils (at least 3)
3- Styrofoam (one large sheet or block)
Gather the materials. If you have the materials for only one or two of the pieces, that’s ok, play these ones.
Each piece can be played by one or many people at the same time.
If possible, record your actions with your telephone or any type of recorder, very close to the objects. I would be very happy to receive the recording.
1- Paper (sitting at a table or desk)
One by one, crumple a piece of paper very tightly, put it on the table, then crumple another one. Put each new crumpled paper close to or on top of the previous one. Do that quickly.
When you have finished, approach your ear to the pile of paper and listen to them unfold.
When they have completely stopped moving, take them one by one, flatten them and put them in a pile, like at the beginning.
2- Pencils (sitting at a table or desk)
Place the pencils side by side on the table in front of you, so that one end of the pencils hang over the edge.
With the fingers of both hands, do the following actions in any order, and repeat as you want:
– raise the top of the pencils and let them drop on the table
– make them roll
– change their position
– let one drop on the floor
3- Styrofoam (standing up)
balance the piece of styrofoam on your 10 fingertips. move your two hands away from the center, towards the edges, and then back, by in turns lifting some fingers and putting them further, as if the fingers were walking. vary the speed.