In Another Place : with Anne-F Jacques & Tim Shaw : Takuroku TR055
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In Another Place : with Anne-F Jacques & Tim Shaw : Takuroku TR055
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1 heat, heat, gravity
2 air, rotation
3 air, gravity, heat
4 magnified, melting
5 rotation, air
6 pitch, viscosity
7 gravity, rotation
8 melting, magnified
Recorded by Tim Shaw, Anne-F Jacques and Ryoko Akama
Mastered by Anne-F Jacques
Photo by Tim Shaw
Artwork design by Oliver Barrett
“In Another Place is constructed from the sounds of found materials, domestic objects and self-made mechanisms. Working between Lucerne, Montreal and Huddersfield, we followed simple cues as instructional starting points, responding to a single word to create a sonic response within a specific time-frame. These prompts became starting points for materially engaged, sonic exploration. Each take was a dislocated, improvisation to no-one, confined to our private studios and homes, our headphones and recorders.
Sounds include recordings of ceramic hobs, seaweed, styrofoam, kitchen foil, balloons, resonant tubes, scrap metal, motors, water pumps, spark gaps, lightbulbs, water, wooden dowels and sand paper. The results were layered, re-situated and mixed by matching time-frames and timbre. In Another Place explores the musical potential of everyday materials through disconnection, interpretation and serendipity” – (Tim Shaw)
“What if COVID-19 had never swept the globe? What if our lives were operating as normal?
There would’ve been Anne-F Jacques from Montreal as ame’s fourth artist-in-residence collaborating, in different scales, with a gang of sound artists and musicians; Julia Eckhardt, Phil Niblock, Tim Shaw, Tania Caroline Chen, Yorkshire Sound Women Network and myself right now, here at Dai Hall, a venue for underground experimental music and art scene in Huddersfield.
The luxury of chaos (I miss that now) would’ve been followed by high-spirited laugher.
When Keiko invited me to make a mini album for Takuroku, I romanticised this hypothesis, the ‘what-if’ theory. Every event has a cause. This Takuroku opportunity has given us a chance to thrive, to get back to our individual creative zone, to listen to the world once more.
Thanks to Cafe OTO.” – (Ryoko Akama)